Saturday 11 May 2013

Blue Pearl

What do you see when you close your eyes?
Behind the eyelids, against the red-black-grey formless designs drifting, what do you see?

I have been having hypnagogic hallucinations for a couple of years now, usually just before the onset of sleep. I see faces, crowds..mostly people I don't know in this life. Not one has ever been threatening. I am not afraid of this phenomenon at all.

But this afternoon - while taking a Saturday after-lunch nap - I suddenly saw, behind my closed eyes, the most  awe-inspiring field of blue.
Well, I say awe-inspiring. It was more like frightening. To my body that is.
This wall-to-wall field of violet blue was an exalted sight to my soul. But my animal body was going "what the fuck was that??"

So I googled around a bit, and found reference to the experience known as the Blue Pearl (or Light) Phenomenon.(That link is a bit flaky-be warned).

This is something I have never experienced before - not in meditation, or shamanic trance, or Pagan ritual. And it has really struck me a little dumb.

As a bit of background, I have to add that I've been suffering from an unusually intense form of 'flu this past week. I wonder if this has anything to do with it? The meds my doctor prescribed are nothing I'm not pretty tolerant to, so I've tentatively removed them from the equation. The actual 'flu virus my body is hosting at present is, however, a more promising line of enquiry...

Pic: from Invoke the Presence


  1. Hmmm, I also have hypagogic hallucinations from time to time and generally enjoy the experience, a bit like mental television with no ads. The closest thing to this I've had was a dream, however....of a beautiful lush bowl shaped meadow surrounded by monks in that precise almost electric blue colored robes. They were singing...a very Buddhist like chant. And then, water began to rise in the bowl and as it reached the foot of each monk, they vanished in a streamer of upward blue-white light.

    And yes, it really kind of freaked me out, so much so I recall it almost totally even ten years later.

  2. That sounds awesome!
    I love it when there's singing in my dreams. It's nearly always me doing the singing, which is such a pleasure, as in this incarnation I cannot hold a tune.
    In fact, a couple of nights ago I was singing the names of all the old incarnations of god.
    T in J

  3. It was a terribly confusing dream...I knew these Buddhist dressed, if not in Buddhist colors, monks had a book in their possession and I needed them to translate it for me for some very vital reason. I was very distressed when they all began to disappear. And it dawns on me it must have been closer to 15 years ago...

    As for tune carrying...pity the dead I sing to as I carry their names in the Labyrinth; I'm certainly no songstress!

  4. It’s hard to search out knowledgeable individuals on this subject, but you sound like you realize what you’re speaking about! Thanks
