Monday, 28 May 2012

When I Die..

..There will be Crows.

Probably Pied ones.

"We have accounts of birds who come into the room of the dying, are seen on their window sills and collect in large groups around the hospice at the time the person is dying. In the cases we’ve heard, the dying person who has had such visits has always been interested in birds and the type of birds which appear around their time of death is the one in which they have been interested. "


  1. Mine should be grey louries then :)

    peace and love T

  2. Ah. That'd be the ones who *make all that gods-damned noise* when an Owl comes to visit then?

  3. Yup, the protectors of the animal kingdom, hunters HATE them, because they always warn other animals when they see danger. Also called the "go-away" birds :)

    peace ;-)
