Wednesday 2 May 2012

Pretty Full Weekend

Three days to the thinning of the Veil which is Samhain, Southern Hemisphere time, and the Invitation has been sent.

It is sent continuously from the preceding New Moon, of course.

This year, an image has been forming insistently in my mind whenever I'm sitting at the Ancestor altar:

A line of light runs from me to my two most recent Ancestors, and that forms the image into two halves, at first. Mother side and Father side.
From each of those closest Ancestors run two light lines to their parents (one of whom from each side is sitting in the close-Ancestor-cluster I work with daily), and from each of those, two further parental lines.
And so on.
It fills up at first like a divided brain, in two distinct halves.
But then something interesting starts happening.
Tendrils of light connections cross the Mother-Father divide going both ways - this represents Ancestors who are antecedent on both sides. As will happen of course, if you go back far enough. Small clumps of intensity form, indicating greater or lesser spheres of inbreeding.
Eventually, it resolves itself as looking very like the human brain's neural network.

 Which is not surprising, I suppose. There are functions which govern associations such as these. Like the brain, and like dear Facebook ,or like a country club.Modelled in Maths - yet I was still surprised to see it forming so perfectly in my mind.

The Invitation, as usual, calls all Ancestors who lived well and died well, and those who wish me no harm, to the feast communication night of Samhain, which this year falls on a pretty much full moon, and also the rites of Hecate's Fires on the Taurus-Scorpio Sun-Moon axis this year.

Going to be a pretty full weekend, then.

Brain Neural Network Pic: Scientific American

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