Monday 21 December 2009

MidSummer 2009

Earth On Fire. And indeed, in this locality, this Summer Solstice has been almost unbearably hot. So scorching that the dogs lie, panting, on the tiles indoors, strategically positioning themselves into the path of the one standard fan beating its heart out all day and most of the night.

But this morning - harvesting yarrow and mugwort, crushing dried rose petals and stirring them into the mixture with sandalwood - the southern sky is darkly bruised and a cooling pall is cast upon the land. We're going to get a nice daytime thunderstorm in a couple of hours, which fits right in with my plans to celebrate Litha tomorrow, as the sun rises on the Tropic of Capricorn and our year crescendos, preparatory to starting the long descent into the night once more.

My house is starting to look like something out of a post-industrial Pagan gathering. A large yellow cement mixer has recently joined the interior decor, perfectly complementing the bright orange compressor, Weber braai, drill press and metal weight-lifting bench which does double duty as a place to sit while interfacing the 'net.

We're building our shelter out - starting with a garage/workshop - and the machines which augment our human frailty are starting to gather in the living room. The large cauldron, coven broadsword,be-feathered and crystal-tipped staves, candles and censers and little bowls of salt and of water provide the Pagan aspect of our Design for Interior Living. House and Garden, please queue at the gate in an orderly fashion - one photographer per journalist only.

I'm hoping for a successful and satisfying Turning of the Wheel down here in the Southern Hemisphere. To all Pagans South of the Equator, a merry Summer Solstice. And to all of you living in the Northern Hemisphere, a wonderful and productive Midwinter. We'll swap points of view in six months.In the meanwhile, the view from up here is spectacular.

Pic: Zugarramurdi Witches' Cave, Summer Solstice. Looks like the yoni of Our Lady, no?


  1. how lovely to have the smells and feelings of summer evoked on this, the winter solstice and the return of the light.

    Solstice blessings to you!
    Blessed Be.

  2. Summer Solstice blessings to you with all the heat and sounds and evocative smells.


  3. It is somewhat odd, this duality of worship we indulge our sun with, simultaneously far away from us, right on top of you.......the simple tilt of a planet influences how and when we address our deities.....fascinating!

    Happy Yule, when you get around to it! lol!

  4. no chance of a pic? A yellow cement mixer in the living room, haven't seen one of THOSE before ;-)
    The weather is lovely, have a fantastic day, and i wish you the same blessings of the season.
