Thursday 6 November 2008

Made Of Sunlight

I'm away celebrating Beltane tomorrow.

Here's what still ranks as my favourite piece of music video ever - Circulus performing My Body Is Made Of Sunlight.

So seriously good, it's bad.I mean...


  1. It was very calming as I put the finishing touches on my grant proposal. Well timed!

    And, now that I've got some free time, I tagged you in the 6 Random Things meme - wanna play?

  2. I have no idea what Beltane is and won't bother to find out. Your body isn't made of sunlight, it's carbon based, the sun just makes it possible to be so.

  3. Hi THE Michael,

    Isn't it just?

    Hi Alia,

    I've just played 6 Random Things , but don't worry about it- I forgot and tagged people who'd played as well!
    But no, I think I'll pass this round, thanks! glad you liked the vid.

    Hi Billy,

    All carbon based life is made from sunlight, silly.
    Originally energy from the Big Bang, which became our star, which started radiating, which formed life here. Yes, I'm made of sunlight - and so are you.

    Terri in Joburg
