Tuesday 9 October 2007

...and Something Else

We are Stardust.

We are accomplished Hydrogen Atoms.

We are Billion Year Old Carbon.

...and we're 80% something else- something we don't, for all our scientific posturing, have any other name for than Dark Matter

Roll drums, please.

In the sort of synchronicity you should, but never do, get quite used to as a Pagan Witch, I read a science headline on this today, and was bowled over by Sara Sutterfield-Winn's variations on a theme of Darkness, Pagani, and the honoring of the former by the latter. Sometimes. When we get it right.

But oh boy, when we get it right it rocks the foundations of the universe.

Dark matter could be in the form of particles which do not interact with light.

We cannot see them, cannot measure them directly. We can only infer, by watching massive bodies at play in the universe, that they do exist.

What are they? What part of our Being do they represent?

I'm all agog, waiting for Richard Dawkins to eat some of his less-well-considered words.But not holding my breath.


  1. Aside from what all else we are. We also evolved into a higher consciousness.

    This is a more interesting subject to me than the cosmic dust that gives us a physical form.

    Light rain this morning. Helen wants me to take her to breakfast at a new place. May as well go see what it is like. Hugs.

  2. Ooooooooooo, that IS a supercool sychronicity. I love those. And I LOVE DARK MATTER. I especially love that we don't know what it is. Wouldn't it be nice if we just let that go as a neat big chunk o' mystery? Well, I think so anyway. But alas...the title of the article is awfully telling: "Shining a LIGHT on Mysterious Dark Matter." Uh huh...as to be expected I suppose. More light.

    Thanks, lady! Awesome post. :D


  3. And some of us are made of more Dark Matter than others.

    You've read His Dark Materials, right?

  4. Hello Billy,
    As a Pagan, I'm also intensely interested in what we're made of. We deal quite a lot in immanance as well as transendance.

    Hi Sara,
    Yup-there we go again, trying to light up our darkness. Yes, it's a Mystery and I love it as such.

    Ya Hecate,
    I hate to admit this but no, I haven't read any of Phillip Pullman's work. It fell through the cracks when I was out of this world-between Pratchetts, so to speak.I'm going to get some soon though, I think.

    Terri in Joburg
