Sunday, 27 May 2007

Apis Mellifera on Mars

So, where have all the bees buggered off to?

While fully realising the import of the mysterious colony collapse disorder which has hit the US and parts of Europe, I had to smile when I read about how 20 000 bees downed a jet aircraft en route to Portugal from England.

To be honest, I had no idea that honey bees swarmed at that altitude.

Now, the only question left to ask is which planet are they headed for?

Those of you willing to make a magic difference who live in a time zone at least GMT -2 might like to join Hecate and her sisters as they perform a ritual for our disappearing helpers. Myself, I'm in a time zone which shifts the blue moon to next month, so I'm going to look into some intercession then.

Update: Hecate has the ritual outline up over here


  1. Thanks so much for posting this. I can't really blame them for not wanting to hang around this planet much longer, but I hope that they do!

  2. According to Einstein, without bee's mankind cannot survive but about four years.

    I'm sure it would hurt but mankind is pretty damn tough and while his numbers may get kicked down to just a few billion, or million, I see that as a good thing.

    Being as I'm omnipresent it doesn't matter if there is less of me here as long as there is some of me here. Hugs.
