Thursday, 9 August 2012

Holding Space

There's this thing that humans do, sometimes. It's called holding space.

Our divine imaginations are capable of not only describing in detail, but creating and keeping alive entire other dimensions. We are storytellers, and world creators. We are energy conduits and containers of Spirit. Often, the way we hold space is to weave a tale  - imagine it into Being, populate it, breathe Life into it.

 I'm not sure if other animals do this. Tell stories, sure: birds, dolphin, whales, elephants and great apes are very likely storytellers par excellence. But holding that spun tale open in perpetuity for generations to move into and inhabit? I strongly doubt it, although perhaps I am wrong.

Decades ago, a talented storyteller named Frank Herbert opened up not just one planet, but an entire universe of feudal-systemed society, ecospheres and groups of human and non-human peoples - this dimension has established itself in this world through the minds of its readers.
  Who has not heard of the Litany Against Fear? Or aligned themselves, in some instance or other if only briefly, with the Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit?
 OK, I'm talking about people similar to me here - readers, and absorbers of books. People with finely-honed imaginary talents whose spirits are never confined solely to this planet, this time, and this set of realities.

And so it is that - although I admit my deep bias straight off the bat - I found myself asleep in the luxury of a mid-morning nap, dreaming in a world of Rusts, and Clockwork Angels, and a Chronicler named Charles Anderson.

My only son has - for me at least - managed to create a space and hold it open in enough vividness for someone like me - for me - to step into it once the bindings of consensus reality are loosed in sleep.

Shevek Moore's novella-length story, The Day The Sky Caught Fire, is a truly space-holding creation. It's a space I've never been in before, and I was caught in its copper-toned magic for the first time. I suspect I'll be back, too. And, as I have said, I and all his ancestors are incredibly proud of him.

Pic: Blue Fire Studio, Owl Holding Space for the Dream of Love


  1. Thanks for linking, the previous one i thought was a music album :)
    Storytelling remains the oldest art form, it's what brings the rest of us real wonder :)
    Post apocalyptic sounds really neat, may he write many more books!
    peace and love to you and yours

  2. Wow, Terri, I'm floored. I just read the Amazon description of the book, and what he describes sounds very much like several prophecies I've heard of, most notably the visions of Grandfather Stalking Wolf and other elders of his people, going back generations. I'm wondering if you know where his inspiration comes from? I have noticed that many artists tap into the collective subconscious (the spirit that moves in and through all things) in their work, but if this is the case here, it is taking that to a whole other level.

  3. I don't know, Jessica. (I assume you're talking about The Day The Sky Caught Fire).
    Maybe ask him?
    Or, I'll ask him!

    Terri in Joburg

  4. ...and here's what he says:

    Shevek Chaz Moore
    Hey mom! I do agree with the concept of collective subconcious and M-Space theory, but I'm afraid that my main influences for this books came from National Geographic, which actually had an article on solar flares possibly causing massive blackout. ;)

  5. Thanks for relaying that! It still really impresses me though, because it means that both artists and scientists are recognizing the same possibilities that many visionaries have seen in their visions. Personally, I would approach The Day the Sky Caught Fire as an exploration of a possible future (soon to come), rather than as pure fiction.
