Monday 13 August 2012

Enjoyable Again

The retro-dive into my musical past which started with the Retro Mercury a while ago continues, and draws to a close, I think, with my download of the Alan Parsons Project's Tales of Mystery and Imagination.

I didn't know that this was their debut album, released in 1976. I just loved it. I also didn't realise the strong likeness to Maiden's Bruce Dickinson's in the vocalist on The Tell-Tale Heart, a piece I had been enjoying long before Maiden were even conceived.

Both Warren and I swore up and down that was Bruce, on listening to it this morning. But we were wrong.

The vocalist was in fact Arthur Brown, who released a hit single in the late '60s, Fire, which I actually remember. Puzzlement cleared up when I read on the Wiki page that Arthur Brown heavily influenced Bruce Dickinson, among others. You can say that again. In any case, this album remains the best of TAPP's lot as far as I'm concerned - and it's real music, too, as opposed to tunes-for-profit. Very enjoyable. Again.

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