Monday 3 October 2011

Twelve Years

Sitting in the car, cranking the engine for Warren yesterday evening, during a break in the hectic thunderstorms and bucketing rain we've had this weekend, I was looking out at the graceful fall of the trumpet vine curtaining the carport, and feeling myself almost yearning to slip away into a dream.

These liminal spaces have been calling me lately: the rain seems always to do that. Recently - over the last month or so - I've been feeling myself slide gently back into a place I started to occupy years ago. A place of less anger and more simple enjoyment; a place, if you will, which seems to be signified by the Tarot card Ten of Pentacles.

But I wasn't too happy with the underlying urge to run away into the mystic. This, it seems to me, was too similar by far to that state in which I very nearly died, twelve years ago.

Thinking about this urge for flight and the fact that twelve years have passed since I received my Dismemberment in what has got to be the most horrific episode of my life ( and thinking, too, on the significance of the number twelve, a powerful counting which has come down to us in the way we measure time) I was faintly surprised at the swift passage of those years. And I thought- well, what former state am I trying to recapture, albeit almost subconsciously, with my attraction to fugue? For certainly there have been no periods in my past in which I was quite as happy, quite as frequently blissful, or quite as aware of my awakening to my own divinity as this one.
I would not swap a single moment of my past for the gnosis-with all its attendant pain- that has been developing in me these past dozen revolutions of the sun.

I know that some of my steps have been wrong ones, just as others have been correct. I know that I will only get to travel this path through error and correction, always.So, I am about to take to my altar, this morning in a fresh state of openness to the knowledge that Spirit passes through me and through all the living World, there to ask, humbly if I can, in which direction I should set my face for the coming twelve years.


  1. Twelve years already? Glad I have been privileged to follow your journey for the last few years. It is always error and correction, obscurity and enlightenment.

  2. Yes, the speed of time is shocking lately, isn't it?
    But it is I who am privileged to have such empathic, wise friends out there.

    Terri in Joburg
