Monday 21 March 2011

Mabon - Rushing Dark Water - 2011

Farewell, O Sun, ever-returning light,  The hidden God, who ever yet remains.  He now departs to the Land of Youth through the gates of death to dwell enthroned, the judge of Gods and men, The horned leader of the hosts of air.  Yet, as he stands unseen without the Circle, So dwelleth he within the secret seed – the seed of the new-reaped grain, the seed of flesh; hidden in earth, the marvelous seed of the stars.  In him is Life, and his Life is the Light of man, That which was never born, and never dies.  Therefore the Wise Ones weep not, but rejoice.

1 comment:

  1. I like your re-imagining of this season and renaming. I'm still working on that. Our seasons down here are so different to yours.
