Thursday 18 November 2010

Scimitar Bills Invade My Garden

Well, while scientists at CERN were getting excited about possibly seeing the footprint of a Higgs Boson, and capturing an antihydrogen atom for long enough to study it, I was running along under some gorgeous birds who were flying from tree to tree in my garden, trying to identify them.

Ah - ScimitarBills. How lovely.

How much more beautiful than 4-muon trails of destroyed bosons.


  1. That iridescent purple! We used to see them in Zimbabwe after rain, looking for ant eggs.

  2. Well if that's what they're after, they're in luck in my garden!

    T in J

  3. Gorgeous, i haven't seen any, but will keep an eye out.
    We have a nest in our plum tree, looks like a dove, with egg.
    peace :)
