Monday 23 August 2010

Ask the Ancestors

My partner came to me with a very interesting request on the weekend. Those of you familiar with Seffrican culture will be aware of the problem of animal sacrifice amongst much of the Black population, and those who are not - well, in a nutshell, it's said (although not by me) that the Ancestors require the live slaughter of an animal, be it chicken, goat or bull, and that the animal's cries of pain must be as loud as possible.
To this end, the sacrifice is tethered and poked with sticks and spears, taunted and frightened, for a good while before it is finally killed, that its cries of distress may reach to the netherworld, and the Ancestors.

One of our neighbouring families is in the habit of slaughtering fairly frequently - for every birth, marriage or death in the family it seems - and one of our other neighbours, a young mother of three children, is so distressed by all this killing and bellowing going on right next door that she asked my partner if he would have a word with me, that I might see my way to 'doing something' about it.

It's no secret in this suburban enclave that I practice various Pagan and esoteric rites and that on various nights the neighbourhood can smell the handmade incense smoldering on the coals, or see the great broadsword being brandished in the moonlight. It's common knowledge the I'm a Witch, in other words - and as always seems to happen, people think that a Witch can often accomplish things that they can not.

This is not strictly true of course -it would be closer to say that a Witch often sets out to accomplish what other people don't want to do. In any case, I'm often asked for petit acts of magic on behalf of others, which I gladly undertake if I can see no harm in it.

Well, I had to give this request some considerable thought. It's treading on the ground of the Shaman after all, and I felt I couldn't just go ahead and do something, I had to sit with my own Ancestors first.

So I sat, that night, and put the question: is this practise truly one required by the Ancestors? I'm having to route the question through my Scots and Welsh 2nd-degree forebears, so that they may fling it down the corridors of the otherworld, passing from one to another Ancestor, to try to get to the root of it, and maybe get an answer.

That night, the echoes came rumbling back from the cthonic realms to enter my sleep as a frightful nightmare: a tall Black man, a person of much authority, was striking me over and over, most painfully, while everyone protested. Eventually, arbitration was called for, and the man was restrained. But he wouldn't allow me to put my case - he tried talking over me until I grew angry myself, and berated him. Whereupon the 'law' removed him to a distance from the rest of us, and we watched as the Black man ate great piles of files and folders, before flinging himself into a huge turning fan. We were covered in gore, all of us watching. Gobbets of red and green flesh flew through the air and thudded down around us as the man was chopped into little pieces.

The exact interpretation of this dream can be left as an exercise for the reader - but I have one thought for you: do you not think that, just as humankind has been evolving spiritually all these millennia, that the realm of the Ancestors may have been, too?


  1. Indeed, I believe that the ancestors and the Goddesses and Gods evolve.

  2. I find this short essay perhaps a lesson in synchronicity as I had just posted the same concept on my blog, Intangible Materiality on reversed causality in relation to transformations. It is called "No Beginning" and the sense that everything I have in my folders is hopelessly antiquated, and if I visited the past, nothing would be recognizable as I had altered it, much as you have for your fractal end of things, as there is no now, only an eternity of change.

  3. Yes, everything evolves.

    In my knowing the Ancestors do not need extraordinary measures to get their attention.

    The Great Mother tells me, "Walk gently upon me."

    What we need in this time of agony is more gentleness.

    Only you know the answer to your dilemma, and you know it already. The actualization of that knowledge is your next step on your journey.

    I send you healing energy for your highest good.

  4. What we need in this time of agony is more gentleness.

    This keeps calling to me. I have no answers for your question, it is beyond me.

    But "gentleness" is such a perfect description of what is needed to approach each other in all dealings. Anything on the other side that responds to pain and suffering is best left alone.


  5. I certainly hope so. Because I guess I have to say that while I understand animal sacrifice for some paths I draw the line at torture.

    That I will not abide. I mean how deaf are the Ancestors any way??? And come on, if everything is connected, how far away are they? Not so far that animals need to be tortured to be heard.

    In my not so humble opinion.

    Read ahead, so yay! the sirens came...


  6. do you not think that, just as humankind has been evolving spiritually all these millennia, that the realm of the Ancestors may have been, too?

    On evolution ... and this question has been bugging me awhile.

    Yes life on earth evolves. However that evolution takes place within a frame work of laws: gravity, energy, etc. Now spiritual laws exist too, although i'm less certain of those. The point is, assuming the spirit world "evolves", would that happen within the "laws" or would the laws themselves evolve ...

    Which comes round to gravity etc, could they evolve too?

