Tuesday 27 July 2010

Still a Little Hard of Hearing, My Boy

I dreamt that I held a mangled and dying Chippy in my arms last night.

He was still breathing, and I hugged him carefully.

He was trying to tell me something, but as yet it is not clear what that message was. In time, it will unfold, as will many things.

The huge Aquarius Moon this morning is setting in a fragranced cloud of oncoming Spring - and my Spirit bows its head in homage.

This is for you, my boy Chippy, and for all our loving and beloved canine companions, wherever, whenever.


  1. My heart goes out to you Terri. A very special message from a beloved companion.

  2. He must love you a lot to still be contacting you. Some loves are forever.

  3. Mary, Hecate - thank you for understanding, both of you.

    The dream didn't leave me gasping, or afraid, or in terrifying floods of tears. There was a gently loving aura to the dream - and the aura, I've found is the greatest pointer to the actual message of the dream.

    Terri in Dreamland
