Saturday 1 August 2009


That's an incredibly good pic of Scylla at the Pitbull Federation show last month (at the top of the page), and below is our Taranis-Bach, Warren handling, and me and Scylla by the bakkie in the background.

Wishing all of you in the North a Blessed Lughnasadh, and I'll be celebrating Imbolc next week - but for all my Southern friends who take the traditional dates, have a wonderful Imbolc.

I saw a flock of House Martins having a food-fight yesterday, plus a passle of Starlings. Maybe Spring has really begun.

Update:the Fed show today was totally rained out.
This picture was taken as we set off, still in our own street.
The air smells like Spring, moist and burgeoning with life. Seems the birds know something we human animals don't.

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