Friday 30 January 2009

"I Am A Stag Of Seven Tines.."

...and I'm bloody tired.

I'm taking a little time off, work and communication, to celebrate the festival of Lughnasadh and regain my ability to remember who I am.

A blessed sabbat to all my Pagan friends.

I'm making this a virtually tech-free break, which means my cellphone, as little used as it is, gets buried deep, and no internet, no staring at the computer, no electronic music.

I'll see you all in a week or so!

"..I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke."


  1. i'll be missing your words in the meantime...but that's NO reason to forgo these festivities & self-recollections!

    heal well & i'll be looking forward to your return after your renewal is complete.

  2. Enjoy your sabattical!

    Joyous Lughnasadh! from a neighbor in the northern hemisphere.

  3. We could ALL probably use a good grounding now and then. Go rest......then rise again like the pheonix and let us have it!

  4. Thinking of you at this time of healing Terri.....I saw about 12 crows flying in the sky the other day, it caught my attention.


  5. Blessed Lughsasadah, Sister. Enjoy turning the wheel!

  6. Glad to see you're still blogging Terri. I've taken quite the (long) break myself and am hoping to get back into it soon.

    Have a wonderful Lughnasadh!
