Saturday 27 December 2008

"Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Men"

"Holy Mother, in whom we live, move and have our being, from you all things
emerge, and unto you all things return…

Open our hearts this blessed day,

Touch our bodies and our minds.

Walk with us through the gates of power, in shadow and starlight, in fire meeting earth, in wind on the ocean and the sweet
kiss of life.

Blessed be our journey."

T Thorn Coyle

A two-year-old little girl is raped on Christmas Day.

Israel bombs the shit out of the Gaza.

A woman and a six-year old girl are burned to death in their hut, and an 86 year old woman is hacked to death after being accused of witchcraft.

Bombs continue to go off in Baghdad, protesting the enemy occupation, civilians are routinely slaughtered in the DRC,Guinea promises to end a curfew after the military coup, and people die, and people die, and people die, in Zimbabwe as a result of greed, lack of compassion and a general closing of the eyes from 'leaders' domestic and foreign alike.

As much as I laud the actions of the young and pissed off around the world in protesting the stale and airless evil of civilisation, so much do I long to curl up into a foetal ball and wail my eyes out at what we have become.

I cannot help but see the direct line of influence from monotheistic male-dominated religions and the lack of empathy, the hunger for power-over and the almost indiscriminate murder of any and all Life which stands in the way.

Holy Mother indeed - seep up through the soles of our souls, infuse our deadened hearts and insane minds. Give back to us the community of reason, of life, of caring for our fellow deities which once was our birthright.

I pray Thee - for I have not enough Will, it seems, to bear this Earth-wide pain much longer.


  1. We could say: Goodwill to All and be more inclusive.

  2. I was Being Bitter, Sr Hecate, which is why I deliberately left the old formulation as is.

