Sunday, 10 August 2008

Crystal Veil

I dreamt the other night that I was seated at the side of a sacred circle, watching my son cast and work in the circle.

I was sitting under and behind a veil of hanging crystals, covering my head down to the level of my eyes.

I find these dreams of Pagan and occult content both reassuring and joyful. Something powerful is about to happen.

My Shamanic schooling continues at its own pace, as it will of course. I'm starting to see the projection of my own shadow side has continually got in the way. Big, dangerous wild cats and the loss of material objects have always had the power to terrify me, in my dreams.

In fact, one of the first strong emotions I recall as a child was the inner wailing for the potential loss of things another person cherished.

I'm starting to learn how to put the ego identity to one side, to step out into the clearing where all actions, thoughts and ideas can be more clearly seen for what they really are. It's exhilarating and strengthening, although a little tiring at times.

Today I go out to the sacred space* before my house and actually celebrate the fire festival of Brighid, with all its burning-away of the dross of the past, all its clean incineration of the things which no longer serve us.

I've had to delay this festival for myself, as taking all that time off from work when Warren was sick has left me feeling indebted to my company - so I didn't take the annual leave on the 7th, which was this year's astronomical date of Imbolc.

This morning, therefore, the candles are burning in the pre-dawn, and tonight when the sun sets again I'll be communing in joy with the land and its spirits once more.

Pic: From here
* Yes, I know all space is sacred - I mean the ritually sacred space in front of my house.


  1. Blessed Brighid, Terri! It's one of my favorite holy days.

  2. I just love coming here to see you. It helps reconcile me to the loss of light in this hemisphere when I know that you're getting more where you are. All hail Queen Brighid the Bright!
