Monday, 9 June 2008


I think I may need to expand on the part of my last post where I said " I was trying to explain why I could understand people's passions and causes very well, but thought they were all a tad immature on the bigger scheme of things.."

I have passions and causes myself, and certainly don't feel that they are "a tad immature" - well, I wouldn't, would I?

The particular facet of "passions and causes" we were discussing that morning in the car on the way to work was White Pride, aka NeoNazism, an example of which was playing in the CD at the time.

There are people for whom ethnicity is far more important than membership of the human race, and to whom being the consciousness of the universe is just a string of sounds. Literally -they seem to be almost perfect examples of the red value meme, shading to blue in their obedience to the Norse Gods.

There are people like this in all communities, and of all races and ethnicities.
The White Pride folk have been known to get so royally up my nose because, I think, of their strident calls to violence and their unmitigated labelling of all things non-eurocentric as dirty, filthy and disgusting.

Nevertheless, I wasn't kidding when I said I understood their thinking.
It's about 25 000 years ancient, however, and I believe it's time we grew up out of it.

But you literally cannot talk to people at that turn of the spiral about anything 'above' them(although I still have a great deal of distaste for the hierarchical structure of Spiral Dynamics, I find it's a useful way to have a snap comprehension of the whole deal).

So - understand the passions which go into the whole White Pride movement, certainly.
But agree with it? 100% certainly not.
For it's based, of course, on fear.

I fear alcohol - or more precisely, I fear the packaged, marketed commodity which we have seen fit to tout to each other as a desirable thing. The fruit of the vine or the fermented grain is in no way an expander of consciousness- at least, not to me. I have only ever found it to be a constrictor, and eventual shatterer, of the process of being a fully authentic human being.
The plant allies which are said (and I know it's only anecdotal evidence, but there's lots of it) to be reliable expanders of consciousness have been criminalised by the same 'us' who would push alcohol as a necessary relaxant on ourselves.
Which is total bullshit.

So -fear and loathing, yes, two sides of the same emotion, or love with its back turned.
These emotions can't be dealt with by wishing them away, either. I have to accept that there are folk who feel so strongly that their own ethnicity is the most important thing in the world, and, while empathisisng with them, disagree with them completely.

Where I have a problem is in their need to sit down and make up songs about their fear.If I were to compose a ballad to my own fear and hatred of alcohol, I'd be considered a nutcase.
Or maybe a rock star.

Pic: from the Integral Institute


  1. I'm back from camping and have started posting CAMPING PICTURES

  2. In my youth I once saw the hatred of white pride. A Black Sash rally had just ended at the city hall in Johannesburg (the old one) and part of the crowd, black and white stayed to hear a street preacher shouting "Jesus died for your sins", and some wag yelled "Can you speak louder? We can't hear you". Everyone laughed but some of the Nats left over from heckling the Black Sash meeting took exception to blacks laughing at a white man, and about 20 of them attacked and began beating up blacks in the street. One of them kicked a black guy who was running away, and a cop grabbed him and hit him over the head with his baton.

    A little latter I saw a group of blacks running down Market Street, past the library, beuing chased by middle-aged white men, one of whom had a look of self-righteous anger and hatred on his face such as I will never forget. It was one of the ugliest expressions on a human face that I have ever seen.

    PS - Off Topic, but your MyBlogLog avatar doesn't seem to connect to your blog. Also, why not list your blog in the "Religion" section of Amatomu?

  3. Hi Steve,

    Weird about the avatar-I've tried to fix it but I dunno.

  4. Yup. I figured out that it was my two accounts on mybloglog which were the problem.
    I've also added myself to Amatomu.
    Thanks for both head-ups!

