Monday, 5 May 2008

Waking the Dead

Well, we had our three days' worth of rain for the month in the first few days of May, and then, on Sunday evening, as I was deciding whether to hold Samhain indoors again, the skies miraculously cleared-from about 2pm, coinciding with the ingress of the moon to Taurus, joining the sun.

So it was that, my breath becoming visible in the dark and candle-outlined circle and my feet in two pairs of socks becoming cold and damp, I so successfully impersonated a ghost that I scared the neighbours witless.

I suppose, if it had been me living next door, rounding up the kids for baths and bed after dark, and I happened to glance over to the garden next door, where I saw an apparently headless figure all shrouded in misty white treading round and around an old stone altar - well, I might have screamed, too.

Pic: From here


  1. That is too funny! Isn't Samhaim in the fall? But you're on the other side of the globe, right? Wow, the internet has made the world such much smaller, hasn't it? And, for the record, I have a Scorpio moon ... I saw in your profile that you're a Scorp.

    Take care,

  2. Last winter I drew great solace from the knowledge that you were experiencing full summer. Happy Samhain -- everything is round!

  3. ..and goes round! Hello Anne. I greatly enjoy the winters over here-my Celtic genetic ancestry showing, I suppose.

    Hi Donna - yes, I'm in the southern hemisphere and it's always very interesting to me, too, to compare the attitudes and energies emanating from the different sides of the globe as we turn the wheel. Puts a humbling spin on it.
